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Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)、University of Warwick大学和IBM Research-- Zurich之间进行了一项合作,并使科学家能够生动的将单个的分子呈现在一幅画面上,利用一种巧妙的合成化学和先进的成像技术的结合。
研究者通过一些简单的参数展示了自然界的复杂性。来自Niels Bohr Institute协会的研究者通过一个简单的实验展示了自然界有时会违反常识——这个世界跟许多人认为的完全不一样,这个实验表明光线不会根据传统的物理法则起作用,他具有一些量子力学特性。这种新方法可以被用来研究其他的系统是否会按照量子力学的方式起作用。
这项研究结果被发表在了科学杂志Physical Review Letters上。
“我们的目标是以一种新方法来使用量子力学,因此了解一个系统是否真正以一种没有传统解释的方式起作用对我们来说非常重要,为了达到这一点,我们首先对光线进行了测试,”Eran Kot解释道,他是University of Copenhagen大学Niels Bohr Institute协会Quantum Optics研究小组的一名博士研究生。
“我们的研究所展示出来的是光线能够产生电场和磁场,但是不是同时产生的,因此,我们通过这个实验对传统法则的破坏提供了一个简单的证据,也就是说,我们展示了光线能够获得量子特性,同时我们也可以将这一现象扩展到其他系统中,”Eran Kot说道。
“我们也在致力于开发未来的量子计算机,因此,我们需要了解物体什么时候以量子力学的方式起作用和什么时候以传统力学的方式起作用的分界线,”量子物理学教授Anders S. Sørensen说道,同时他还指出,量子计算必须由具有非传统特性的系统组成。
From infections spreading around the globe to the onset of an epileptic seizure in the brain: Many phenomena can be seen as the effects of network activity. Often it is vitally important to understand the properties of these networks. However, they are often too complex to be described completely. Scientists from the Bernstein Center at the University of Freiburg were now able to show how global features of complex networks can be discovered in local statistical properties -- which are much more accessible for scientific investigation. The researchers were able to benefit from the high-performance computing facilities of the Bernstein Center, which are normally used to simulate the activity of nerve cells in the brain.
In an article appearing in the scientific journal PLoS ONE, Stefano Cardanobile and colleagues describe how they analysed 200,000 networks which they generated in a computer -- using models that are employed by scientists to understand the properties of naturally occurring networks. The researchers compared the results obtained from these models with well-understood networks from the real world: the metabolism of a bacterium, the relationship of synonyms in a thesaurus, and the nervous system of a worm. Thus, they were able to assess which model networks can predict the behaviour of its real-life counterpart the best. These insights can help colleagues from other fields to choose the right model in their specific research.
Most importantly, the scientists from Freiburg could demonstrate that it is possible to draw conclusions about global properties of complex networks from local statistical data. This means that one can discover important properties of networks even if they are not completely analysed -- very often an impossible task in large systems such as human social contacts or connections in the brain. Therefore, the authors see their study to represent an important step towards a better understanding of complex networks.